Kijana Unplugged, LLC

Smudging With More Power

Smudging is a sacred practice used to cleanse and purify spaces, objects, and individuals. This ancient ritual involves burning dried herbs, such as sage, cedar, or sweetgrass, and allowing the smoke to waft through the air, carrying away negative energy and inviting in positive vibrations.

In addition to the action of spreading smoke through a space, it is also important to use your personal power. This includes commanding energy with your voice and intentions. You’ll notice a few additional steps below to give you a more powerful cleanse as taught by Kijana.

An interesting note is that many spirits are actually accustomed to the scent of sage and some, even those that are considered dark energies, like sage. So it is important to vary the herbs you use as there are many with that can assist with clearing.

We love the products on They are great as alternatives and other powerful ways to use to incense combinations. Whether you’re looking to clear stagnant energy from your home, office, or personal aura, smudging can be a powerful tool for spiritual cleansing and renewal.

Benefits of Smudging

  • Clears negative energy and promotes a sense of peace and harmony.
  • Purifies the air and removes harmful bacteria and toxins.
  • Enhances spiritual awareness and connection to the divine.
  • Creates a sacred space for meditation, prayer, or ceremony.

How to Smudge

Make sure you have the supplies you need such as a feather fan, sage, palo santo, sweetgrass or other powerful clearing incense and charcoal and a fire-safe container. You can use a ceramic vessel and add a healthy amount of sand or salt, at least 1/2 inch thick  to the bottom to prevent cracking.

  1. Choose Your Herbs: Select the herbs you wish to use for smudging, such as white sage, cedar, or sweetgrass. Make sure they are sustainably sourced and dried properly.
  2. Prepare Your Space: Open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate. Clear clutter and tidy up the space you wish to smudge.
  3. Break Up The Energy: Energy stagnates in corners, furniture, and dark spaces. You can clap, drum, snap, or make noise to disperse energy.
  4. Set Your Intention: As you smudge, set your intention for the cleansing ritual. Visualize the smoke carrying away any negative energy and creating a sanctuary of peace and protection.
  5. Call Out Any Energy That Doesn’t Belong: Your voice is powerful. You can banish energies by telling them to leave and tell them where their exit is. Speak with authority. For example, “All energies that are not my own must leave through the open window.”
  6. Light Your Herb Bundle: Using a lighter or matches, ignite the end of your herb bundle until it begins to smolder and produce smoke.
  7. Fan the Smoke: Gently fan the smoke with a feather or your hand, directing it around the space you wish to cleanse. You can also use a smudging bowl or shell to catch any ashes.
  8. Focus on Specific Areas: Pay particular attention to corners, doorways, and windows, as these areas tend to accumulate stagnant energy. You can also smudge yourself by passing the smoke over your body from head to toe.
  9. Express Gratitude: Once you have completed the smudging ritual, express gratitude for the cleansing and purification of your space.
  10. Sweet Offering: Go back through all the spaces you have smudged with a sweet smelling incense to bring in sweet energy.
  11. Call In The Energy You Want: Bless your space and as you are doing your sweet offering, call in the energies that you wish to reside in the areas that you have cleared such as peace, abundance, happiness.

Incorporating smudging into your spiritual practice can be a powerful way to cleanse and purify your space, promote positive energy, and deepen your connection to the sacred. As you explore this ancient ritual, remember that  Kijana is here to support you on your journey. With resources, guidance, and a community of like-minded seekers, you have everything you need to cultivate a sacred space and awaken to the fullness of your being.