Kijana Unplugged, LLC

My Introduction To The Council of 12

The Council of 12 are master teachers who have an influence on this reality. I was unexpectedly introduced to the Council of 12 in 2016 during my first psilocybin mushroom journey. Though I had briefly channeled during my first ayahuasca journey, this was the first-time spirit beings had taken over my body and I did not have any control. I pled with them to let me go but they stated that they had been waiting for that moment. We had an agreement for me to be a conduit. One by one, they introduced themselves, the color associated with them, and they addressed and explained every person that was in my life at that time. I had the worst headache as my third eye was in full use. This went on for six hours straight.

From that point, I was afraid to ingest any more entheogens because I did not enjoy not being in control. I reached out to friends for referrals to mediums. I made separate appointments and one by one, three readers flaked and did not show for the appointments.

Weeks later, I answered Mother Ayahuasca’s call and I went to ceremony. I walked into the shared room I would be sleeping in and met a lady who said she was waiting to meet me. I spoke to her about my experience and she informed me that she channeled the 12 as well. I was relieved and explained that I was concerned because I also felt other beings trying to enter my body as well and the lack of control scared me. She assured me that she’d help me through.

That night was a roller coaster of events. I drank the medicine but chose to go back to the house to journey because it was a cold winter night. As I got deeper into the medicine, I felt reptilians coming through and it scared me. My legs were shaking and I was nervous from fear. I asked for someone to get the lady who had helped me. She came and taught me a protection spell which I recited. I learned that night that if you are fearful of energies, they thrive on it and will stay longer, feeding off your fear. If you allow the energy to pass through, without a fight, they will leave you. She then traced reiki protection symbols on my third eye. I relaxed, holding a huge quartz crystal and my life drastically changed that night.

I channeled ten hours straight for twenty people. I provided lessons, prophesies, and insights from the 12. I also channeled those who have transitioned to the spirit world.

The 12 took me on an accelerated course, opening multiple gifts over several months. 2017 was the most challenging year of my life both spiritually and mentally. The experiences I had would make most people think I was insane because they were so unbelievable.

Today, I comfortably channel the Council of 12, spirit guides, ancient beings, and those who have transitioned. Channeling is one of the most amazing gifts that I use to inform humans, helping people to heal and understand this reality to have more fulfilling lives.                   

A few fun facts about The Council of 12:

  1. They use several conduits to channel. Though people may tout that they are the only channel for the 12, that’s complete b.s.
  2. They simplify this experience with direct and easy communication. When I channel, it’s like you’re talking to a friend. 
  3. They do NOT like when mediums put themselves on a pedestal. The best teachers are those who are willing to walk beside and with the people.
  4. They do not, at least not in my experience, and the experience of those who I know have seen them, have a specific color. The are extremely tall spirit beings that appear like shadows.
  5. In my experience, they do not have names. I greatly appreciate that they share with me and identify based on the numbers 1-12. The higher the number the greater the vibration, age, and position in wisdom.
  6. They harness the energy and personality of the person they are speaking through, especially when speaking as a collective.
  7. The messages provided are often specific to the people hearing it. They also provide overall information for this reality.

Experience the Council of 12

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