Kijana Unplugged, LLC

Preparation For Your Sapo / Kambo Ceremony

Phyllomedusa Bicolor Tree FronSapo or Kambo are the names that refer to the secretion of the phyllomedusa bicolor tree frog. The secretion is act which is actually called kampuc by the indigenous of the Amazon. The secretion aids the frog with keeping their skin hydrated and protected from sunlight.

The secretion, kampuc is mixed with saliva, to activate the enzymes, to create Sapo. When mixed with water it is called kambo and less enzymes are activated but it is still powerful, yet requires more points (burns).

Sapo works on a physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional level and can help to release energies that you will need to process.

Health Benefits

There are many known health benefits and more are being discovered.
Through medical research, initiated in the 80’s by Italian and American researchers, it was discovered that the secretions of Phyllomedusa bicolor frog have hundreds of peptides that are beneficial to the human body. Some of these peptides traverse the blood-brain barrier and stimulate the endocrine glands of the brain, resulting in an immune effect and a deep cleanse of the body. Among which the main ones are the dermorphin and destorfina, from the group of peptides. 

  • Dermorphin is a potent analgesic and synthetic
  • Deltorphin have been used in the treatment of ischemia, that is lack of blood flow that can cause strokes. This secretion also has antibiotic properties and strengthens the immune system while physically destroying pathogenic microorganisms.  

It´s related to be effective in treating Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, AIDS, cancer, depression, muscle pain and inflammation, spinal problems, sciatica, arthritis, rheumatism, tendinitis, migraine, fatigue in legs, chronic headaches, asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, acne, allergies, gastritis, ulcer, diabetes, blood pressure, obesity, circulatory problems, tingling, fluid retention, cholesterol, all kinds of heart diseases, hepatitis, cirrhosis, malaria, labyrinthitis, epilepsy, PMS, period irregularities, infertility, impotence, decreased libido, depression, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, insecurity, nervousness, fear, stress, fatigue, nervous shock, physical exhaustion, mental and emotional detox, addiction and smoking, genital disorders and problems in lung, kidney, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, bladder, heart, intestine, thyroid, liver and throat,  fertility problems in women, hepatitis and more.

What To Expect 

This medicine is called an ordeal medicine because of the extreme experience. The key is to surrender and breathe through the experience.
  • The skin is burned and the top layer is removed. The sapo/kambo is applied.
  • There is a tingling sensation. The heart rate speeds up sometimes up to 190 beats per minute. 
  • The body heats up, and the participant may become aware of their veins and blood flow. There is a constricting feeling in the head, neck and torso. 
  • The throat may feel as if it is going to swell shut; it will not. 
  • There may be lightheadedness, sweating, shivering, feverish feelings, dry mouth, numbness, blurred vision or stomach pain. 
  • The need to purge by regurgitation or evacuating the bowels is almost inevitable.
  • The face/ body may swell. This is due to the body quickly dumping toxins into the bloodstream. The body will temporarily store the excess waste in the fatty parts of the body until the liver is able to process it. Some people will experience what is affectionately known as frog face. 
  • After 11-15 minutes, the sapo is removed. 
  • The feeling in the body may last up to 40 minutes. The participant will either feel the need to rest or may feel energized. You may feel enhanced focus, mental clarity, physically stronger, and peace. 
  • If you’ve been in pain, you’ll experience a decrease in pain as well. If a woman is menstruating, the flow may increase for 24-48 hours as kampuc is a vasodilator.

Before Your Sapo/Kambo Ceremony:

  • Download, fill in, and return the application below at least 7 days prior to your ceremony.
  • Make sure you are hydrated but do not drink excessive amounts of water prior to the ceremony. If your ceremony is for kambo, you will be guided on water intake as you are required to drink water prior to the ceremony.
  • You will fast from food prior to ceremony. If your ceremony is in the morning/afternoon, do not eat upon waking.
  • Do not eat at least 4-6 hours prior to ceremony. It is best to abstain from eating until after ceremony.
  • Do not attempt water or dry fasting within 7 days of your ceremony.
  • Do not drink alcohol or recreational drugs 24-48 hours prior to ceremony.
  • Do not drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages 24 hours prior to ceremony.
  • Remove any restrictive jewelry or clothing due to the potential for the body to swell.
  • Wear a sleeveless shirt or short sleeves.

Sapo/Kambo Aftercare

Take a moment to congratulate yourself for taking a courageous step for healing. Take the day to rest. Energies may have been stirred up so honor what you feel. Allow yourself time to process. Mind your energy and space by avoiding interaction with negative energies.


Ingesting liquids – VERY IMPORTANT

DO NOT DRINK LARGE AMOUNTS OF WATER following the ceremony. Rehydrate by sipping water, mineral and/or coconut water. DO NOT CHUG water for at least 8 hours. It is important to not throw off your salt balance in your body.

Do resume drinking 6-8+ glasses of water daily.

Physical Care

  • Stay out of direct sunlight for 24 hours.
  • If you are swollen, be patient and be sure to drink water to help the body flush the toxins.
  • If you are severely swollen, 24-48 hours following ceremony, you may take a Benadryl to decrease swelling.
Activities – IMPORTANT
  • For 7 days after, DO NOT partake in saunas, hot yoga, water or dry fasting, sweat lodges, colonics, liver flushes, or any activity that can
  • possibly deplete water from your body and cause an imbalance with electrolytes.
  • DO NOT operate heavy machinery or lift heavy objects such as moving furniture for 24 hours.
  • Be patient with yourself. Journal. Meditate. Ground your energy through earthing.
  • DO MOVE AROUND, walk, stretch, etc. as it is important to keep the lymphatic system moving as your body is flushing toxins. 

Dietary intake

  • DO NOT ingest sports drinks, diuretics or anti-diuretics, or serotonin altering products.
  • Do eat a healthy meal and honor what your body is feeling.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages or take recreational drugs for 3 days after.
  • Refrain from energetically dense foods such as meat or diary for 24 hours.

Please text or email Kijana with any questions or concerns prior to and after your ceremony.

Kijana serves the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. She also travels.  

Copyright 2020, Kijana Unplugged, LLC